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可能都是在全世界裡,再也找不到也這麼棒的美好經驗,我決定投書給全世界的各大媒體『CNN BBC』,




My name is Wufeng . I am a Turk .

I want to share the feelings of 23 million people with you because these people and this beautiful island

deserves to be known by the world as a “Treasure island” Taiwan.

Taiwan which you even didn’t put its name on your CNN GO travel website

( you have Hong Kong, Macao, China, South Korea etc but no Taiwan) is an island which has many amazing things to share with world.

I just came from one of the world’s biggest pilgrimage

which is called Mazu pilgrimage is being celebrated by thousands of people for over hundred of years.



During this pilgrimage you can see every kind of people from rich to poor ,

young to old and they walk hundred of kms just to show their respect to Mazu “The sea Goodness” .

During the event  I saw those poor but happy people on the road, I met sick people with full of hope,

I took amazing photos about legends and witnessed magical moments. Everybody was there but you weren’t.


Many Taiwanese offered food and drinks for free just because they want to help those people who walks 8 nights and 9 days,

but you didn’t see. We saw the amazing sky but you didn’t, we shared our love, peace and more but you didn’t.

I really wish you were there with us to share the spirit of this festival with whole world.


Taiwan is a small island with full of spirits  ,  friendly people, many delicious food, amazing Chinese culture and more.

As an artist I want to share my feelings with you and invite you to discover more about Taiwan.


In order to introduce amazing places, new cultures and more, please be everywhere not just somewhere,

because millions of people want to introduce their unique culture through your pens and cameras.


Best regards from Treasure Island “Taiwan”

Wu Feng , Rifat Karlova

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