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 相關新聞,由admin發表  瀏覽:16,267 人次

58 thoughts on “【犀利人妻】第十三集預告來囉!”

  1. fifi 說道:

    安真我支持你阿!!這巴掌打的真好 :em69:
    安真要趕快犀利起來喔 :em24: :em24:
    好期待喔….. :em47:

  2. 酷龍 說道:

    大家覺得呢 ????

  3. 超生气的我 說道:

    when will 安真 become 犀利?? it’s infuriating to see her so weak, giving in all the time!! good for her that she finally slaps her cousin and that 小三, but why is she still looking at that cheating husband with teary eyes and telling herself that she will not divorce for the sake of having a “complete family”?!? the family is no longer complete the moment that cheating bastard chooses to betray her. leave him already! sue for alimony and expose his true evil side to his company! what a hypocrite who doesn’t even realize that he has done wrong to everyone! sure, it’s a free country and he can make whatever choice he wants. if he chooses “love” then he is free to do so. but he will need to pay the price for his choice!

  4. shui-ling 說道:

    :em54: 男人ㄚ!玩過後想要個家,有個家後又覺得麻煩!怕負責任,怕麻煩!結果,既想玩,有想有個完整的家!你會不會太貪心啊!男人,好像很多都是這種動物喔!

  5. 支持安真的!!! 說道:

    :em69: 安真讚喔!就是要這樣才是女主角!
