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隋棠為感謝觀眾支持,決定用實際行動回饋大眾,她率先捐出10萬給動物保護協會,她說:「上週劇情描述薇恩的貓Oliver 不幸往生,很多人很心疼,所以第一筆善款捐給動物保護協會,未來只要收視率破一個百分點,就再捐10萬給一個公益團體,把愛傳出去。」問她有無信心打敗男友的戲?她回:「當然希望可以打敗啊!我有信心!」


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383 thoughts on “『犀利人妻 』女性觀眾收視破七 全國第一 隋棠捐錢回饋社會 感謝觀眾支持”

  1. Christy 說道:

    I hope the script writer can write something different. Male and female leads must not reunion as usual. I hope to see changes and something meaningful. When ones heart is badly hurt, the crack is there. it won’t turn back to the perfect one. It is not fair if An Zhen goes back to Rui Fan. So please give us a better ending. Thanks.

  2. huama 說道:

    in the end it all comes down to an zhen and judging by her character, she is too ‘xin ruan’ so sadly and unfortunetly she’s probably going to reunite with that … PERSON.
    also based on all the emphasis of ’snatching’ the husband back especially from her mother it’s likely she is going to do that. ALthough, up to this point an zhens mother was pretty cool until she said that. :em65:

  3. 大老婆 說道:


  4. POP CORN 說道:

    :em18: 棠棠人美心更美,而且說到做到 :em69:

  5. jane 說道:

    :em09: :em16: :em70: :em70: :em70: :em70: :em70: :em38: :em11:

  6. XRumerTest 說道:

    Hello. And Bye.

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