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What Do They Mean When They Participate in a Tattoo Design Contest Online custom tattoo design contests are gaining a lead in the tattoo industry. If you decide to enter and participate in a tattoo design contest, it means that you want to be part of the tattoo arena and be one of its key players. Some contests in the tattoo world are not online but held during conventions and seminars. Participants are usually seasoned artists who are up for the challenge of creating new designs, as well as holding their positions as some of the greatest tattoo artists in the world. However, in online tattoo design contests, newcomers who want to make a name for themselves are given a platform to do their own creative thing. These contests online offer a program for all designers, newbie’s and experts alike, and challenge their skills and talents to come up with the most different designs. A custom tattoo online contest is hosted by a client who wants a personalized tattoo. The rules and price are set by the host, open to all artists and designers who must create a freestyle design. It means the host wants a specific image, but the designer must control the other technical details. However, as an artist you should communicate well with the host to come up with a perfect piece together. This way, you have a higher chance to be declared the winner. Although veteran artists pose a real challenge, beginners in the business should never be underestimated. Most of these newbie’s hunger for recognition; their minds can be more innovative, imaginative and more upbeat. With that said, tattoos today have changed in style, size, theme, and color. Coal black is the most conventional color, but at present tattoos are becoming bolder, unpredictable and bizarre, often multicolored. Most enthusiasts now prefer to have these custom tattoo designs created; not only do they want to be unique but also to express their personality. Check out websites that offer online contests for custommade tattoos and you will find the best one for you. If you are an artist, you could go to online marketplaces to participate online and display and sell your work. These contest and marketplaces are free of charge to the artist. With the contest being online, worldwide participation is inevitable. Tattoo design contests are offered globally by many websites, thus attracting artists and designers who want to break into the industry. Keep in mind, though, that every designer has their own responsibility to their work. Although you meet the needs of your client, do not lose your own creativity and identity in the design. The artwork is yours too; the client just provides the idea of what they want. Tattoos are a lifetime artwork. It is a great achievement for an artist to see his creation on a body canvas rather than just as a stencil. Challenge yourself all the time, gain knowledge, and sooner or later, clients will want to hire you to do their tattoo without any need for a contest. Kristen Dunn is a tattoo enthusiast and professional tattoo designer who has created thousands of thought provoking, elegant, and funky tattoos for her clients. She has a vast collection of custom designs to her credit. Winner of several awards and accolades, Kristen is now a founding member of the world’s largest custom tattoo design community at CreateMyTattoo. View her tattoo collection or read more on her blog here.
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good articles
Kim has several Balenciaga City Bags in her collection – here she is with the earlier in the year, pre-baby. Kim’s really embraced classic neutrals (and her newfound blondness) since she stepped back into the spotlight, oh so many days ago. Though it hasn’t been a completely new Kim reinvention – some of her PFW ensembles were unsurprisingly boobalicious. This is Kim Kardashian we’re talking about, after all.As much as people like to joke about her, Kim Kardashian ain’t no fool when it comes to fashion, and handbags in particular. Before she was famous for being famous, Kim was an LA stylist and boutique owner who frequently sold things from her own closet on eBay. Just because Kimmy’s now an internationally famous megastar who’s about to birth Kanye West’s child doesn’t mean that those wise resale instincts have gone by the wayside; Heritage Luxury Auctions’ upcoming Handbags and Luxury Accessories Signature Auction will include two bags from Kardashian’s ever-growing Hermes collection.
Christina is doing press for her upcoming Lifetime movie, “Lizzie Borden Took an Axe”, a grisly tale of the 19th century woman who was tried and acquitted for the gruesome axe murders of her father and step-mother. Christina also recently put her modest (by Hollywood standards) Hollywood Hills abode on the market. If you’d like a peep inside, pics can be found .I don’t remember exactly the words that ran through my mind when I saw the Kotur Mr. Minaudiere Clutch, but it was something along the lines of, “So. It’s come to this.” I don’t know when pop culture collectively decided that it would be hilarious to put disembodied mustaches on everything, but from twee ModClotch mustache-print dresses to people who actually have a cartoon mustache tattooed on the side of their index finger so it’s just absolutely hilarious when they hold it up to their top lip, this has got to stop.As much fun as the holidays are, they can be a tad…stylistically stifling. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year’s Eve each have their own set of heavily ingrained visual cues and references, complete with predetermined color palettes and textures. Predictability can be comforting and times, and there’s something to be said for tradition, certainly, but if you’re a non-traditional girl, you probably still want to feel like yourself while you get in the spirit with your family and friends.”searchFilters”:”categories”:["filter":"name":"handbags", "value":8122}, "filter":"name":"wallets and wristlets", "value":8162}, "filter":"name":"accessories", "value":8163}, "filter":"name":"shoes", "value":8130}, "filter":"name":"jewelry", "value":8131}, "filter":"name":"apparel", "value":8132}, "filter":"name":"men", "value":8153}], “colors”:["filter":"name":"Black", "value":4294967273}, "filter":"name":"Grey", "value":4294967242}, "filter":"name":"Brown", "value":4294967280}, "filter":"name":"Beige", "value":4294967190}, "filter":"name":"White", "value":4294967232}, "filter":"name":"Blue", "value":4294967241}, "filter":"name":"Pink", "value":4294967239}, "filter":"name":"Red", "value":4294967256}, "filter":"name":"Multi", "value":4294967066}, "filter":"name":"Yellow", "value":4294967237}, "filter":"name":"Green", "value":4294967244}, "filter":"name":"Silver", "value":4294967037}, "filter":"name":"Purple", "value":4294967243}, "filter":"name":"Orange", "value":4294967238}, "filter":"name":"Gold", "value":4294967204}, "filter":"name":"Gold Plated", "value":4294966820}, "filter":"name":"Rose Gold", "value":4294966962}, "filter":"name":"Mixed Metals", "value":4294966799}, "filter":"name":"Metallic", "value":4294967261}, "filter":"name":"Stainless Steel", "value":4294966800}], “prices”:["filter":"name":"Under $100", "value":8077}, "filter":"name":"Under $200", "value":8159}, "filter":"name":"Under $300", "value":8160}, "filter":"name":"Under $400", "value":8164}, "filter":"name":"$400 - $600", "value":8161}, "filter":"name":"$600+", "value":8065}]}}”searchFilters”:”categories”:["filter":"name":"handbags", "value":8122}, "filter":"name":"wallets and wristlets", "value":8162}, "filter":"name":"accessories", "value":8163}, "filter":"name":"shoes", "value":8130}, "filter":"name":"jewelry", "value":8131}, "filter":"name":"apparel", "value":8132}, "filter":"name":"men", "value":8153}], “colors”:["filter":"name":"Black", "value":4294967273}, "filter":"name":"Grey", "value":4294967242}, "filter":"name":"Brown", "value":4294967280}, "filter":"name":"Beige", "value":4294967190}, "filter":"name":"White", "value":4294967232}, "filter":"name":"Blue", "value":4294967241}, "filter":"name":"Pink", "value":4294967239}, "filter":"name":"Red", "value":4294967256}, "filter":"name":"Multi", "value":4294967066}, "filter":"name":"Yellow", "value":4294967237}, "filter":"name":"Green", "value":4294967244}, "filter":"name":"Silver", "value":4294967037}, "filter":"name":"Purple", "value":4294967243}, "filter":"name":"Orange", "value":4294967238}, "filter":"name":"Gold", "value":4294967204}, "filter":"name":"Gold Plated", "value":4294966820}, "filter":"name":"Rose Gold", "value":4294966962}, "filter":"name":"Mixed Metals", "value":4294966799}, "filter":"name":"Metallic", "value":4294967261}, "filter":"name":"Stainless Steel", "value":4294966800}], “prices”:["filter":"name":"Under $100", "value":8077}, "filter":"name":"Under $200", "value":8159}, "filter":"name":"Under $300", "value":8160}, "filter":"name":"Under $400", "value":8164}, "filter":"name":"$400 - $600", "value":8161}, "filter":"name":"$600+", "value":8065}]}}Rated 5 out of 5?by houndknitter Wonderful Bag Just received the Silver/Alpine Moss color today and I am very pleased! I looked at both sizes in store and wished the medium bag was just a tad larger – was worried it would not be wide enough to hold a file folder of papers.. The largest bag is beautiful too, but a bit like a suitcase. . It would help so much if you showed an example of what fits in the bags within the picture section of the website. Pack it up like a woman would! I shop on line alot and seeing an example of what would fit would help the decision making process. Anyway, it turns out the size is perfect for what I need each day at work. I am a sales manager and “ride along” with my sales reps each day and don’t report to an office. I needed the bag to hold my personal and work related items without looking like I am “moving in” to their car. So here is what fits in the bag….. My iPad with cover fits in outside zip pocket, my slim calendar planner and file folders fit well in next non zip compartment. Middle zip area holds a french style wallet and keys. In next unzipped area I have my make up bag, coach pill box, sunglasses, business card holder, pens, blue tooth and phone in organizer pockets; there is also a smaller interior zipped area for personal items a woman needs.. I still had a zip pocket to spare so I am using it for all the clothing/shoe store coupons I receive. I guess it would be good for small iPad / phone charging equipment. It all works in the manageable size of the medium bag without any bulging. Great job Coach designers!I love green so this color is the one for me – thank goodness it has silver hardware. I also love the pebbled leather – I expect to use this bag hard and I think the texture may hold up better than polished leather. The dark moss color does not jump out – can read as black from a distance. The black handles make it work well with most outfits.I really wish that Coach would put silver hardware on more items. The gold / brass is a deal breaker for me – just don’t care for it. I agree with another reviewer that they should have just centered the foil Coach name on the bag. The Coach New York makes it unbalanced and off center. For such a symetrical bag this seems like an oops. November 11, 2013″searchFilters”:”categories”:["filter":"name":"handbags", "value":8122}, "filter":"name":"wallets and wristlets", "value":8162}, "filter":"name":"accessories", "value":8163}, "filter":"name":"shoes", "value":8130}, "filter":"name":"jewelry", "value":8131}, "filter":"name":"apparel", "value":8132}, "filter":"name":"men", "value":8153}], “colors”:["filter":"name":"Black", "value":4294967273}, "filter":"name":"Grey", "value":4294967242}, "filter":"name":"Brown", "value":4294967280}, "filter":"name":"Beige", "value":4294967190}, "filter":"name":"White", "value":4294967232}, "filter":"name":"Blue", "value":4294967241}, "filter":"name":"Pink", "value":4294967239}, "filter":"name":"Red", "value":4294967256}, "filter":"name":"Multi", "value":4294967066}, "filter":"name":"Yellow", "value":4294967237}, "filter":"name":"Green", "value":4294967244}, "filter":"name":"Silver", "value":4294967037}, "filter":"name":"Purple", "value":4294967243}, "filter":"name":"Orange", "value":4294967238}, "filter":"name":"Gold", "value":4294967204}, "filter":"name":"Gold Plated", "value":4294966820}, "filter":"name":"Rose Gold", "value":4294966962}, "filter":"name":"Mixed Metals", "value":4294966799}, "filter":"name":"Metallic", "value":4294967261}, "filter":"name":"Stainless Steel", "value":4294966800}], “prices”:["filter":"name":"Under $100", "value":8077}, "filter":"name":"Under $200", "value":8159}, "filter":"name":"Under $300", "value":8160}, "filter":"name":"Under $400", "value":8164}, "filter":"name":"$400 - $600", "value":8161}, "filter":"name":"$600+", "value":8065}]}}”searchFilters”:”categories”:["filter":"name":"handbags", "value":8122}, "filter":"name":"wallets and wristlets", "value":8162}, "filter":"name":"accessories", "value":8163}, "filter":"name":"shoes", "value":8130}, "filter":"name":"jewelry", "value":8131}, "filter":"name":"apparel", "value":8132}, "filter":"name":"men", "value":8153}], “colors”:["filter":"name":"Black", "value":4294967273}, "filter":"name":"Grey", "value":4294967242}, "filter":"name":"Brown", "value":4294967280}, "filter":"name":"Beige", "value":4294967190}, "filter":"name":"White", "value":4294967232}, "filter":"name":"Blue", "value":4294967241}, "filter":"name":"Pink", "value":4294967239}, "filter":"name":"Red", "value":4294967256}, "filter":"name":"Multi", "value":4294967066}, "filter":"name":"Yellow", "value":4294967237}, "filter":"name":"Green", "value":4294967244}, "filter":"name":"Silver", "value":4294967037}, "filter":"name":"Purple", "value":4294967243}, "filter":"name":"Orange", "value":4294967238}, "filter":"name":"Gold", "value":4294967204}, "filter":"name":"Gold Plated", "value":4294966820}, "filter":"name":"Rose Gold", "value":4294966962}, "filter":"name":"Mixed Metals", "value":4294966799}, "filter":"name":"Metallic", "value":4294967261}, "filter":"name":"Stainless Steel", "value":4294966800}], “prices”:["filter":"name":"Under $100", "value":8077}, "filter":"name":"Under $200", "value":8159}, "filter":"name":"Under $300", "value":8160}, "filter":"name":"Under $400", "value":8164}, "filter":"name":"$400 - $600", "value":8161}, "filter":"name":"$600+", "value":8065}]}}Nestled right in the center of New York City overlooking 5th Ave on the perfect last day of winter, found a spot to showcase their Fall 2012 Legacy collection. The new location from their typical preview gave way to an entirely new look for the brand, almost like a relaunch. Gone is Coach monogramming (at least from the featured lines), and in its place is classic leather and beautiful colors. Coach dug back into its archives to reinvigorate their Fall 2012 line with its new Legacy collection.
What do you think about Lady Gaga customizing her Hermes Birkins?We’ve featured Lady Gaga on PB thrice in the last few weeks, in three outfits that were worlds apart from each other (as is her style), and yet two had something in common: . Here’s Gaga coming out of the Sirius Satellite Radio offices in NYC after doing a little promo for her forthcoming album (which seems like it’s been forthcoming for 100 years), channeling Jodie Foster’s character from Taxi Driver. Just like last time, she’s carrying a Versace bag: this time it’s the Versace Snakeskin Signature Tote, which she’s matched with a pair of lavender platform sandals from the brand’s Spring 2014 runway show. The lavender version of the Signature Tote won’t be available until spring deliveries arrive in a couple months, but the white version is currently available for .
The Sally has been around for several seasons now; in fact, we here on PurseBlog in 2009! It’s very possible this bag is nearing the end of its shelf life, so if you love it, snatch one up soon!One of the breakout bags of 2013 is the Fendi 2Jours Tote, a style that is simply stunning and classic in every way. While Fendi offers a wide range of a sizes, colors and materials for the 2Jours, you can’t underestimate the allure of perfect black bag, and the Fendi 2Jours in black comes close to perfection.