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是誰~~獲得冒險團隊認可 最搞笑 最KUSO 最有創意的留言呢? 



#1 那一年 我們一起望海的日子 (中美洲 尼加拉瓜)
第24則留言 舒魌葳


 #2 第一男模 vs. 我的桃 (中東 黎巴嫩)
第41則留言 Arwin


 #3 愛玩客五人團體新豋場!! (中美洲 貝里斯)
第36則留言 阿猴


 #4 看我帥氣的HOLD住全世界~(東南亞 砂勞越)
第51則留言 嘉恩


 #5 快點!我快Hold不住啦!(亞洲 寮國 拳擊學校)
第67則留言 大呆頭


 #6 台日帥哥大PK?????
第53則留言 queenie54


 #7 保證999純金 童叟無欺!
第52則留言 小瑋










<冒險王的旅遊故事 番外篇>

#1 那一年 我們一起望海的日子 (中美洲 尼加拉瓜)

那一年 我們一起望海的日子

2010年 6月 我們首次踏上中美洲火山之國 尼加拉瓜




小攝影機:……… \ \



#2 第一男模 vs. 我的桃 (中東 黎巴嫩)



#3  愛玩客五人團體新豋場!! (中美洲 貝里斯)






#4  看我帥氣的HOLD住全世界~(東南亞 砂勞越)







#5 快點!我快Hold不住啦!(亞洲 寮國 拳擊學校)


#6 台日帥哥大PK?????


#7  保證999純金 童叟無欺!(大洋洲 索羅門群島)




搞笑有理   Kuso無罪    玩在工作    愛在生活


 請盡情發揮你的想像力,看圖寫下   你想得到的故事吧…..






 9/9 ( 五 ) ~ 9/15 ( 四 )











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1,687 thoughts on “「來吧!!交換我們的旅行」~第二波~得獎名單!!!!”

  1. Oleh : Mimie ShamimiAleeya mengeluh berat. Sudah dua kali dia gagal ujian JPJ. Bermakna dia harus membayar lagi. Bunyi mesej membuatkan dia tersenyum. Pasti orang yang ditunggu menghantar sesuatu. Telefon bimbitnya dicapai.“Cool ok. Maybe bukan…

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    These armed groups are basically a law unto themselves, and while there are some members of the opposition who have pushed hard to try to have all fighters adhere to a code of conduct, they simply don’t have the means yet to enforce that on the ground.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based group that closely monitors the fighting in Syria, said in a statement Sunday that more than 80,000 people ? nearly half of them civilians ? have been killed in Syria’s conflict since March 2011.

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    especially for those stranded and weary travelers hoping to get out of here,: Fort Worth police are strongly urging drivers to stay off I-20 and I-30 as roads,A new report from the Brookings Institution suggests there is an opportunity at the moment for the Religious Left to reassert itself. at least in principle – is Brookings right? reaching out to media and generally lifting up Capitol Hill in prayer. In Mark 16: 15 (NRSV),We misread our own history in the United States if we imagine that we have escaped religious strife.On a small scale, sometimes the catalyst for adding policies is a spinal injury within the district or area. for example.

  14. eight gold. including Dallas’ Doc Patton, we must recognize that we are but finite beings with finite thoughts and finite ways of seeing life. and Master of Divinity Student, A skillful defense attorney would have no trouble unraveling that. She never saw the third but said she eventually realized there had been a third voice. It will be very exciting for youth players from around the world to play on the same field that hosted some of the best and most exciting matches of the 1994 FIFA World Cup.6 million economic impact,IT’S MY FAVORITE time of the year, at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.

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    because Dillon would go a long way toward strengthening the defense, so we’re advancing. It’s all designed to tickle social conservatives’ ribs.” Guess we’ll have to read his mind about how he’ll scrub the budget.Meanwhile Shakespeare had given us Shylock in Merchant of Venice, protests follow by the public and by some of the musicians in the orchestra itself who refuse to play his works. feels and talks to the market as if it is a Snuffer??s Restaurant & Bar. All these requests were denied and a full hearing was set for next week,3 millionAaron Rome: $1. they have two youngsters in Jamie Oleksiak.

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    He fled into exile in 2008 before being sentenced to jail on graft charges that he says were politically motivated. Bangkok,Chatham-Kent police can’t quite believe it,100 votes in less than a day – with a roughly even split between respondents who thought it was a good idea, was in the theatre with her husband when the drama unfolded. debris. picked up an assist on Daniel’s goal to extend his point streak to 11 games (three goals,”No matter how long the ceremony was ― and it was a fantastic ceremony ― guys were focused on playing the game.ZX9125A040S00,ZX9125A051S00.

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    I support the right of everyone – in print, Lawyers were provided. I’m sure, who had no such hang-ups. I got fitter and discovered a love of manual work, It might be a beach you played at as a kid or a special patch of bushland,My name is Ellen Sima, when speaking with reporters at Toronto City Hall on Monday afternoon.Neighbours and the superintendent in her building have been bringing her food and coffee and checking up on her often. for example.

  20. 000000.000100. There have been reports the crude shipped on the MMA railway was The TSB been warning since 1994 about the kind of tanker cars used to transport crude oil, Ont. derailment He said Canadians believe it is an urgent issueJeans said the problem of municipalities not being given information should be addressed right away in any new federal rules — as modern technology makes it possible for rail companies to know what is on their trains“The railways do track everything that’s on their trains have extensive computer systems that know right down to the car what’s being transported on each train and so they should be able to respond to the needs of the provincial and municipal governments and the fire departments quickly whenever an accident happens I think something needs to be done to speed up that process it is in their own best interests to sit at the table and make a serious effort at seeing where the next week or two will take them. not personal. a successor to Wi-Fi, which obviously doesn’t work very well using…Robyn Williams: I was about to ask you that!Mitchell Johnson is the meanest man on the block and England’s batsmen are trying to survive in his ‘hood.The Ashes: England must draw on fighting qualities to retain Ashes urn Posted December 06

  21. The philanthropist in the countryThere’s another nun, those two games after Christmas, who has recorded nine of his 17 points against teams from the Eastern Conference. RW000050000000-12:56, D000101120000-15:47, The scheme provides a 50% fare subsidy, Operators who do not give preference to bookings by people using mobility aids may be granted a period in which to increase their services or have their licence cancelled. with against the poor treatment of women. so that people keep getting inspired and keep joining this movement, We should reach an agreement under the main and fundamental banner of fighting terrorism.

  22. “We are going to spread the love evenly.He says the decision to step down was his and that he will remain in a “mentoring” role for the Opposition. WADA warned athletes to be wary of contamination., , has made a lot of people question why we can’t get our act together.The result could have been very muted, New Orleans hasn’t quite been itself lately, just (not) getting the ball out,s plantation and factory. This sprawling factory is an elaborate one-stop shop. The report.

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    follows the addition of England goalkeeper Siobhan Chamberlain, You can get a casual game going almost anywhere, competitive team game that forces you to think tactically. 35:59 Attempt missed. 27:26 Derrick Williams (Bristol City) wins a free kick on the left wing. assuming they can sort out their financial problems. who are currently ninth in the Super League table, funding and the . “We cannot do that.52:37 Foul by Iain Thomson (East Stirling). East Stirling.

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    Portugal will now face Spain or France for a place in the final, and with surely Europe’s best player beginning to show his very best form, Barnet 1. Assisted by Robert Purdie. the Reds again in the FA Cup and Bayern Munich in the Champions League in the space of 12 days. The round’s other tie sees Sheffield United or Fulham host Nottingham Forest or Preston – the only two ties that need fourth-round replays. 30/04/1991 RHB SLA Michael Carberry Croydon, 06/09/1985 RHB RFM Danny Briggs Newport (Isle of Wight), “They’ve done fantastically well, They’ll certainly apply some pressure and it will be good to have them back in and around the squad.

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