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是誰~~獲得冒險團隊認可 最搞笑 最KUSO 最有創意的留言呢? 



#1 那一年 我們一起望海的日子 (中美洲 尼加拉瓜)
第24則留言 舒魌葳


 #2 第一男模 vs. 我的桃 (中東 黎巴嫩)
第41則留言 Arwin


 #3 愛玩客五人團體新豋場!! (中美洲 貝里斯)
第36則留言 阿猴


 #4 看我帥氣的HOLD住全世界~(東南亞 砂勞越)
第51則留言 嘉恩


 #5 快點!我快Hold不住啦!(亞洲 寮國 拳擊學校)
第67則留言 大呆頭


 #6 台日帥哥大PK?????
第53則留言 queenie54


 #7 保證999純金 童叟無欺!
第52則留言 小瑋










<冒險王的旅遊故事 番外篇>

#1 那一年 我們一起望海的日子 (中美洲 尼加拉瓜)

那一年 我們一起望海的日子

2010年 6月 我們首次踏上中美洲火山之國 尼加拉瓜




小攝影機:……… \ \



#2 第一男模 vs. 我的桃 (中東 黎巴嫩)



#3  愛玩客五人團體新豋場!! (中美洲 貝里斯)






#4  看我帥氣的HOLD住全世界~(東南亞 砂勞越)







#5 快點!我快Hold不住啦!(亞洲 寮國 拳擊學校)


#6 台日帥哥大PK?????


#7  保證999純金 童叟無欺!(大洋洲 索羅門群島)




搞笑有理   Kuso無罪    玩在工作    愛在生活


 請盡情發揮你的想像力,看圖寫下   你想得到的故事吧…..






 9/9 ( 五 ) ~ 9/15 ( 四 )











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我們將用email & 留言聯絡獲選者,所以一定要留下常收信的email帳號喔!

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1,687 thoughts on “「來吧!!交換我們的旅行」~第二波~得獎名單!!!!”

  1. The $36 billion is broken down into $11 billion for the proposed LNG export plant, $5 billion to put in place a provincial pipeline to be constructed by TransCanada Corp, and the remaining amount as annual expenses on natural gas wells in northeastern CB and gas processing plants.

  2. A “celeb” memoir par excellence: parodies itself in its shamelessness and debauchery.

  3. “Our results show that this is an effective policy instrument that can be used to benefit the environment. But we also found that there is further room for improvement,” said Haoran He, a doctoral candidate who studied the effect of this Chinese ordinance as part of his thesis in environmental and behavioral economics.

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    Prof Ian Wilmut, the geneticist who cloned Dolly the Sheep, said that the only effect of the donor’s DNA would be to make a child more healthy.

  6. Beck blamed the federal government. Or President Barack Obama. Or House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Or the Democrats. Or liberals. Or unions. Or George Soros. Or Woodrow Wilson. Or the builders of Rockefeller Center. Or all of the aforementioned, plus the public sector, for triggering economic sluggishness and preventing the free market from doing what it is capable of doing.

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  8. From then on, Pistorius began his four-year quest to be a part of the South African team in 2012. He participated in many able-bodied races over that span and was able to qualify for the Olympics at a race in Lignano, Italy, in which he put up a 45.07 time in the 400-meter sprint. In August 2011, Pistorius announced that he would be running for his home country in the world championships.

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    In parts of the world where farmers have faced water scarcity ??? from Peru to Nepal ??? growers have, for some time, been running water abstraction groups, or WAGs. These groups not only allow them to work together to minimize and share water scarcity in a sustainable manner, but also to defend their existing rights and communicate with the regulators.

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    The announcement of 63 hatched, hellbender eggs and thriving larvae came on Nov. 30 last week, with the first of the hatchlings making its appearance on Nov. 15. Up to 120 more eggs may be hatched in the coming week. The baby hellbenders will retain their yolk sacs (see photo) for the next 45 to 60 days. Eventually, they will develop legs and lose their external gills by 18 months or more. Both parents were bred in the wild, with the male being a longer term zoo resident and the female arriving just this past September.

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    Fixing a drink

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    Lebaran sudah diambang pintu. Aku sudah menyiapkan opor ayam dan ketupat kesukaan bang Toni. Lontong sayur dan tauco pedas. Baju baru untuk anak-anakku. Aku juga sudah mempersiapkan hati agar selalu bersih. Jangan ada salah dan dengkih. Aku melihat bang Toni membaca Koran di teran depan. Aku menghampirinya, membujuknya agar mau rujuk dengan ibu.

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  22. “Wei!ada budak baru akan masuk kelas kita la hari ni la!”kata Mira kepadaku

  23. ” Kau kena beritahu Yana hal sebenar Is. Kau tak boleh mainkan dia, dia cintakan kau , tapi kau mencintainya atas dasar simpati. Itu salah kawan! Kau menghancurkan hatinya. Baik kau bagi tau hal sebenar. Sebab, aku tahu, Syamil memang ada hati dengan Yana. Yana yang tak nampak, sebab di hati Yana, hanya ada kau .” Asmadi memberi nasihat pada kemelut cinta rakannya.

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