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斐濟樸實的原味生活  讓我找到心目中的天堂…P1190123

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我在Yasawa跳島旅行中的一個駐足點-Waya Lailai島上

見到 斐濟人天性幽默 樂天爽朗開懷笑 總是展現十足生命力~DSC01070



在傳統與禁忌之間 體驗前所未見的原味生活 P1180993P1180875





題目:Waya Lailai島上的山裡住著『三姐妹與兩兄弟』,請問他們到底是誰?


答案就在11/24(三)晚上十點 冒險王~~~ 


 ※有獎徵答 規則 
自11/24(三)22:00起跑 至11/25(四)00:00截止  逾時不候~
二位斐濟紀念品 由取得正解的留言者中 隨機抽出

 資訊聯結→斐濟觀光局TOURISM FIJITourism_Fiji_(c)


斐濟駐台貿易暨觀光代表處:斐濟旅行落地簽,想找尋旅行資料或詢問去斐濟的各樣事情,都可打電話到代表處,王處長(台灣人)會非常熱心為你解答。02 2757 9596


訂位:2559-1218 EXT 104Air_Pacific_Logo


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2,135 thoughts on “斐濟紀念品,獎落誰家?”

  1. “The Schottenhamel tent, which in 1867 was just a small beer booth with 50 seats, has become the largest Wiesn tent with circa 10,000 seats. The Schottenhamel is the favourite hunting ground for Munich’s young people, who meet there to drink and party,” the official website of the Oktoberfest.

  2. Sac Gucci Pas Cher 說道:

    By IBTimes Staff Reporter Aug 25, 2011 11:00 AM EDT

  3. Sac line Luggage 說道:

    480?480:true;” onclick=”resizeImg(this,480)” class=”size-full wp-image-33162 ” src=”http://www.earthtechling.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Legion_House.jpg” alt=”Legion House AU” width=”480″ height=”428″ />

  4. Longchamp 說道:

    The makers of “Krrish 3″ are in a fix with the film’s female leads being involved in a cold war and refusing to acknowlegde each other’s presence.

  5. Chemises 說道:

    “They think we have to protect him because he is protecting the Druze,” Abu Jabal said. “They didn’t go for the idea that he’s using violence and this might touch children and this will cost us lives … they choose to think in a very different way.”

  6. Ceinture Hermes 說道:

    With gas prices set to increase by more than 20 per cent, consumers are set to suffer increased energy bills yet again this year and heating oil users could be amongst the worst hit. The price of heating oil is particularly volatile and at the end of 2010 reached 70 pence per litre for the first time. However, the Community Buying unlimited approach has already delivered impressive results and attracted powerful praise from across the energy sector.

  7. Céline EDGE 說道:

    Australia have 65-37 win-loss ODI record against India in 110 matches, out of which eight games were abandoned.

  8. Oleh : acidstar

  9. “Oh, anak ibu ini. Dah tahu, tapi pura-pura tak tahu pulak.” usik Puan Roshayati. Muka Nabila menjadi merah. Malu.

  10. ??Biasalah, Abang Ameer. Kitorang selalu datang. Abang Ameer tak perasan ke yang kitorang ni selalu terpacak dalam studio ni setiap kali rakaman Abang Ameer.??

  11. Oleh : Cik Pipi Tembam

  12. Contact Us 說道:

    ” Kau ni parah dah ni… Macam serius betul kau memuji… Wehh kelas dah nak start , nanti kau tunjukkan eh cewek idaman kau tu.. ” kata Soleh yang mahu cepat masuk ke kelas…

  13. Bottes Jimmy Choo 說道:

    ??Khairizal tu anak sulung ke??? soal Puan Zaitun lagi.

  14. (untuk dia; khabar tentangmu merenggut rasa, moga tujahan rahmat-Nya menemanimu selalu)

  15. “Tak apalah, nanti petang saya pergi jenguk dia sendiri,” ujar Julan menolak pelawaan itu. Sebenarnya dia sengaja mahu mengelak dari jejaka itu. Nanti apa pula kata orang sekeliling? Kin Ho mengangguk kecil, terasa geram di dalam hati. Namun masih cuba mengukir senyum di bibir. Dia sebenarnya cuba berbaik-baik dengan gadis itu. Julan saja yang melayannya endah tak endah.

  16. Heelys 說道:

    “Okey, nama cikgu NO NAME. Fullstop” katanya sambil membetulkan kaca matanya yang tebal itu dengan sebelah tangan.

  17. “Takkanlah perempuan nak mulakan dulu.Of course-lah lelaki,kan ibu?”Sambung Suhaidah Batrisya itu lagi.

  18. SINFUL Bikini (19) 說道:

    “org kg. sy mek.brtembung ngan sy ms amik afi nie tadi”mama mbukasilibus bru

  19. Nafas ditarik sedalamnya. “Okey………”

  20. “Isya bangun. Dah nak maghrib ni,” kejut Puan Sri Aisyah sambil mengoyangkan bahu Danisya.

  21. Privacy 說道:

    “Itulah..akak nak jadi pembantu chef dia tak nak. Kan dah letih, 3 jam kat dapur tak keluar-keluar.” Ujar Haida pula walhal dia tahu sikap Hanis yang tidak gemar dibantu saat memasak.

  22. Dzikri Ikmal: Memang kolej ni kitorang punye. Jadi? Kau tak puas hati?

  23. About us 說道:


  24. “Mama cakap kat Melissa yang kamu ada kerja malam ni. Jadi kamu tak balik rumah sewa la malam ni. Jangan risau mama tak bocorkan rahsia kamu la,”

  25. #NAME? 說道:

    “Sorrylah…I busy dengan praktikal..”
